Resolve in Unified Chaos

Shawn Westfahl, 33, has lived in Zuccotti Park since Sept. 17. He came to New York from Philadelphia to support the Occupy Wall Street movement. A former construction worker Westfahl started volunteering with street medics in Pittsburg about a year ago. He said, he learned about the protest on the list serve, and decided to join. Westfahl helped to start a medical group in the park. Now it’s a team of 30 people, both certified professionals and volunteers. About a third of them were arrested. Some medics were arrested twice, said Westfahl.

Westfahl was arrested while he was treating people exposed to pepper spray near the Union Square on Sept. 24. After he spent 12 hours in jail, his resolve only strengthened.

He is protesting for better healthcare against the occupation of Afghanistan and military aid to Bahrain and Israel: “They can continue arresting, but they’re not going to stop me.”