Occupy Wall Street Survey Analysis


Now that their encampment in Zuccotti Park has been cleared out, Occupy Wall Street protesters have been looking for new ways to spread their message and gain support for their movement.

In a recent USA Today/Gallup poll 56% of respondents said they do not know enough about Occupy Wall Street to say whether they are for or against the movement. According to a poll released last week by Public Policy Polling, national support for the movement has lowered to 33%.

In a survey I conducted online from October 13 to November 22, I found out the following:

  • 44% of respondents said they were completely sympathetic with Occupy Wall Street protesters. There were no respondents that said they were not at all sympathetic with the cause:

Survey Graph

  • Although only 22% of respondents said they have participated in the protests, a mere 33% completely ruled out doing so in the future:

Survey Graph2

Survey Graph3

  • Only 11% of respondents said they have slept in Zuccotti Park:

Survey Graph4

  • And 33% would consider sleeping there in the future:

Survey Graph5

Although these are some interesting statistics, only 18 people responded to the survey and they are therefore demonstrative of a small group of people.