Dear Social Media Diary,

I used Facebook more than Twitter for this assignment, since I just created a Twitter account and my audience there isn’t as large as my Facebook one. For my “question blog promotion” posts, instead of promoting my blog, I promoted my latest article. I felt that my question blog post was a bit dated and I’d already promoted it and received significant feedback. This article, which was about long-standing East Harlem small business owners struggling to hold on to their shops amidst higher property values and a changing community, spurred some conversation on Facebook. It was also tweeted by Welcome To Harlem, a wordpress blog, even though I only tweeted it once.

For my survey research, I might have been too vague in the questions I posed, because I didn’t get much feedback. I tried once, hoping that my humor would get some responses but it didn’t really work out that way:

Then tried again, trying to focus more on Harlemites:

…But still, not much feedback.

My survey is going to be on Harlem’s shopping scene, being that the neighborhood has gone through mass changes expected to make it more shopper friendly and boost the area’s economic outlook. I want to see if people are actually beginning to shop here, and figure out what they shop in Harlem for. The first step is to get out there and speak to people, and this survey could help if it’s done right. Judging by my few responses, I have a lot of work to do in order to make this survey interesting enough for people to want to chime in.