Kensington and Windsor Terrace Parents and Kids Gather For Safety Awareness Night

Parents and kids from the Kensington and Windsor Terrace neighborhoods in Brooklyn met at P.S. 130 tonight to address issues of safety for both children and adults. The meeting, which included presentations by the NYPD’s 72nd precinct as well as Democratic Councilman Brad Lander, featured a mix of official and grassroots organizations. It was organized by members of the Friends of Greenwood Playground, a local community group.

According to Dari Litchman, a member of the FOGP and tonight’s emcee, the event was originally scheduled after the murder of 8-year-old Leiby Kletzky in July, but was repeatedly postponed due to scheduling conflicts. As a series of sexual attacks against women have continued however, the group decided that the event should go forward. Continue reading